Pregnancy & Birth Doula Care
Pregnancy and childbirth is a miraculous time, but navigating pregnancy and preparing for childbirth can be uncertain, challenging, and even intimidating! My individualized birth doula services are here to help guide and navigate you through the many unknowns to ensure you have a happy, positive birth experience. My goal as your doula is to build a relationship of trust and respect. I am here to encourage and support you throughout the entire birthing process!
I look forward to talking with you in more detail at our Getting To Know You Chat about the details of each of the engagements I provide during your pregnancy, labor, delivery, and early postpartum journey.

Pregnancy and Labor Package
Getting to Know You Chat
Unlimited phone and email communication
Resources and community referrals
Prenatal Visit @ 32 weeks +
Customized birth preference plan @37 weeks
Labor and Delivery
On-call 24/7, 2 weeks before/after EDD (expected due date)
Unlimited phone and email communication
Continuous care during labor and delivery
Immediate Postpartum Care
Postpartum Home Visit
Postpartum follow-ups via phone/text
Resources and community referrals
$1,500 In-person Support
$ 750 Remote Support
Reimbursable through FSA and HSA accounts

Birth Planning Session - 1 hour
Are you not sure that a Doula is exactly what you need for your birth? This session allows for us to work one-on-one to develop a birth plan that suits your individual needs and answer any questions you may have about your pregnancy.
​$100 In-person Meeting
$75 Zoom Meeting

Mother Blessing Ceremony
A Mother Blessing (also known as a blessingway) is all about nurturing and connecting heart to heart with the mother. Filling her cup so it overflows with love and confidence as she awaits the impending birth of her baby. She’s so much more than a vessel to bring a baby into this world. She’s a woman becoming a mother.
A woman who is nourished, nurtured, and given lots of love has more love to give in return, to her baby, loved ones, and the world as a whole. There’s nothing like a circle of loving women to get that delicious hormone, oxytocin, (the hormone of labor, but also love and bonding) flowing!
Are you a friend or family member interested in hosting a Mother Blessing for a loved one? Let's work to plan this together! You host and provide space and materials and I support you through the process!
I will work with you to plan and facilitate this important ceremony welcoming you or your loved one into this new stage of life, Motherhood.

Stock Your Freezer
One of the biggest things new parents often fail to plan for is what and how they will eat after giving birth. Thankfully a stocked freezer can nourish you in your postpartum recovery and help you and your family feel your best.
Between changing diapers, feeding your baby, sneaking in some rest time, and learning how to parent, nourishing yourself can quickly fall down your priority list.
While you may have had every intention to batch-cook and freeze meals and snacks, the reality is that it often isn’t enough. For all existing clients, I will deliver ready-to-eat, pre-made meals right to your door. This service can be a life-saver for your sanity and stomach.
Together, we will discuss your family's favorite meals and create nourishing, nutrient-dense, and satisfying meals that will keep everyone happy and healthy.
Skip the prep time and dishes!
Enjoy a warm, homemade meal when you need it the most.
Please contact Rebecca to discuss pricing options.